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How to Use Less Plastic

By October 9, 2018October 15th, 2019Conservation

Many plastics take over 1000 years to decompose.  These materials are mechanically broken down by the sea and consumed by wildlife, polluting our food supply.

Chemicals transferred from plastics in food packaging can mimic estrogen and lead to a host of health issues.

Plastic pollution also takes away from the beauty of our remaining wild places.

As the global population continues to grow, and more nations industrialize, the problem will only worsen.

Do you feel like this problem is too big to solve?  We have to start somewhere.  Use this advice to start reducing your plastic usage.

Start Shaving with a Safety Razor

I’ve been using a stainless steel safety razor for over ten years, the same razor I started with.  Disposable razors and cartridge razors are a scam.  They cost significantly more than a safety razor blade, pollute the environment and the shaving experience is less than optimal.  You can buy 200 high quality Derby razor blades on Amazon for $.06/blade.  How much are you paying for your Gillette refills?

Mix Your Own Cleaning Products

For everyday cleaning, vinegar and water or soapy water in a reusable spray bottle work just as well as more toxic cleaning products.  You won’t be throwing away empty plastic spray bottles and, like adopting the safety razor, you will save a money too.

Chop Your Own Veggies

Instead of buying a premixed salad, buy some lettuce, onion, peppers, cucumbers and carrots, then start chopping.  It doesn’t take long, you get to choose the toppings you like, and the result is better than dried out salad mixes too.  If you can find spinach without packaging, that is even easier.

Carry a Reusable Cup or Water Bottle

I’m sure you have heard this one before.  If you are already doing it, great job!  If not, this is an easy way to start using less plastic.

Pack Your Lunch in Reusable Containers

You may be using a reusable water bottle, but are you using plastic bags to pack your lunch?  Using glass, steel or butcher paper is a more sustainable choice.  I’m often asked about my stainless steel lunch container.  However, glass would be easier to microwave.

Compost Your Organic Waste

Make your own compost, eliminating the need for trash bags to dispose of your organic waste.  I’ve found mixing in leaves and coffee grounds really gets things cooking.

Avoid Plastic Gift Wrapping

Wrap gifts in fabric, reusable gift bags, grocery bags, handkerchiefs, or another repurposed material like newspaper.  An alternative option is to not wrap them at all.  You could also choose to gift an experience, or create something meaningful, like a poem, photo, letter or song.  These gifts will be remembered longer as well.

Bioplastics and Biodegradable Plastics Have Deceptive Names

While some bioplastics can be composted, many supposedly green plastics are just as bad as, or worse, than the original.  The names are deceptive because these products often take years to biodegrade and can release greenhouse gasses as they do.  Biodegradable plastics are still made with petrochemicals, designed to break down faster than traditional plastic, which ends up polluting the environment as usual.

Advocate for Change

Ultimately, plastic waste is a matter of supply and demand.  Let companies know that you would like to buy products created and packaged using less plastic.  Companies operate to maximize shareholder value.  The only way they will change is if customers demand that they do so.  We have created a form letter for you to easily write or email companies to ask for change.

Copy and Complete this Form Letter to Ask Companies for Change

Do you have an idea for reducing plastic usage? Share your best ideas below!


Beartooth Anthony

Author Beartooth Anthony

Beartooth Anthony lives by a different code...Always be Camping! He writes about the outdoors, hiking, camping, and conservation. He's on a mission to foster a greater appreciation of our natural world.

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