Editor’s Note: This quinoa backpacking recipe is a guest post from Timmy Carlson with hikethepla.net.
The variety of Camping and Backpacking meals for sale seems to be expanding every season. Walk into an outdoor gear store, and you’ll find plenty of options. Freeze dried, vacuum sealed meals line the shelves, offering everything from Beef Chili to Blackberry Crumble. You can find budget friendly brands, as well as more expensive packs that promise healthy, consciously sourced ingredients. It’s all a bit overwhelming, and that’s before you take a look at all the snack bars and energy goos.
It’s nice to have all of these options available. They are lightweight, and most of them taste pretty good. Alas, they have one fatal flaw, as I believe that most of them are overpriced for what they offer. On the cheaper side of the lightweight, convenience meals, you have ramen noodles and instant potatoes. Yuck. Instead, I have opted to make my own meals, with fresh, healthy ingredients. A favorite is an easy Quinoa and Curry recipe that tastes great whether you’re hiking, backpacking, or camping.
Backpacking and Camping Curry Quinoa Recipe
I started using this recipe on my first Thru-Hike, and it has been my favorite ever since. It has three simple ingredients, all of which are budget friendly, lightweight, and packed with nutrients. Using nothing but a camp stove, and a small pot, you can cook this delicious meal in minutes. Because it is so simple, clean up and take down is quick and easy.
The main ingredient is Quinoa, with curry powder added for flavor. Quinoa is a grain native to South America. It has been cultivated for centuries as a food source, soap, and even an antiseptic. Recently, it has made its appearance into mainstream western markets, and I am sure glad that it has. It is packed full of protein, fats, fiber, and a truckload of vitamins and minerals. It is so healthy, that many have called it a superfood, although that may just be a marketing strategy.
I buy my quinoa in bulk, as it is cheaper this way. Quinoa comes in different varieties, but I prefer the Multi-Colored Quinoa. Quinoa is one of those foods that will taste like whatever you cook it in. Since I am partial to Indian and Thai cuisine, I like to use a generous amount of curry powder. When boiled, quinoa has a really great texture.
The other two main ingredients I use are curry powder, and dried cranberries. The curry adds a nice flavor, while the cranberries can add a nice touch of tart sweetness, and more nutritional content. I will often add hot sauce, salt, and pepper for a little more flavor. Sometimes, I will add tuna, chicken, or powdered eggs for another protein source.
The Recipe
Prep Time: 2 Minutes
Cook Time: 10-15 minutes
- Approx. 1/2 cup of quinoa. Add 1.25 cups of water. If at altitude, more water may be required.
- A handful of dried cranberries.
- A tablespoon or two of curry powder, or to taste.
- A Teaspoon of Olive Oil or Vegetable Oil
- Optional: Hot sauce, Soy Sauce, Salt, Pepper, Freeze Dried Vegetables, and a Protein Source.

Preparation and Cooking:
- In a small camping pot, combine water, cranberries, curry powder, oil, and whichever other ingredients you prefer. Bring to a boil. I find that the flavor of the dried cranberries is better expressed when they are boiled beforehand.
- Add the quinoa. Depending on the variety of Quinoa, it may take 10 to 15 minutes to cook. Cook until the outer shells of the grains have cracked open. To speed up the cook time, soak the quinoa beforehand.
- Let cool and enjoy! Best eaten with a spoon.
This Curry, Quinoa, and Cranberry recipe is easy, quick, lightweight, budget friendly, and nutritious. Basically, it encompasses all of the qualities that I look for in a backcountry meal. The best quality above all is that it can easily be altered to fit any taste or ingredient preferences. It can be prepared as vegetarian, or with meat. Without the addition of additional sauces or spices, the dish will taste bland to most. A backpacking friendly option is to use condiment packets available in fast food restaurants. Hot Sauce, salt, pepper, and many more are available as free, lightweight packets.
Don’t like curry? Don’t like cranberries? That’s fine, as both can be substituted with the spice and fruit of your choice. Another variant on this dish is to use sliced apple chunks in lieu of cranberries. Get creative!
If you prefer to add additional protein, one of my preferred options are tuna packets. Tuna packets are cheaply available in grocery stores. Most pack a hearty 20 grams of protein, and can add further flavor and texture to the dish. Chicken is another good option, and powdered eggs are another.
There you have it. Curry, Quinoa, and Cranberries combined to make a delicious meal that is perfect for the outdoors. It is cheap, healthy, lightweight, and packed full of nutritional value. This is a versatile dish. It works as a side dish, or a main dish. It can be eaten with or without meat, and ingredients can be added and substituted to your hearts content. I like this dish so much, that I will regularly prepare it in the front country. On your next big backpacking trip, skip the freeze dried meals, and give this one a try.